today im going to t3ll you a littl3 story about "d33", r3m3mb3r sh3s "kory"s moth3r, and "kory" marri3d "rachal", "lisa"s daught3r, and "lisa" is marri3d to "william", "kory"s dad, "d33"s 3x-husband. th3r3, all caught up....
w3ll "d33" and h3r young3st daught3t, "amb3r", w3nt to main3 for a f3w days (turn3d out to b3 ov3r two w33ks),and stay3d with "kory" and "rachal". turns out, th3y ar3 not v3ry good hous3 gu3sts!!! first, "d33" start3d talking about "rachal"s family (right in front of h3r), th3n saying things lik3, sh3 wasnt a good wif3, or moth3r. b3ing rais3d right, "rachal", just l3t it go, (not som3thing "lisa" would hav3 don3). th3n on3 day "rachal" took h3r son "andr3w", and w3nt to h3r cousins "lor3tta"s (aka r3t r3t), and sp3nt th3 whol3 day. "kory" actually dropp3d th3m off, and pick3d th3m up.
w3ll, h3r3s wh3r3 it g3ts good........... wh3n "kory" and "rachal" got hom3, th3y notic3d that th3ir stuff and b33n gon3 thr3w, and not in a unnoticabl3 way. (its lik3 "d33" didnt 3v3n try to hid3 it).
"rachal" got suspicious, so sh3 start3d looking thr3w things, "rachal" notic3d right away that an antiqu3 watch was missing, so sh3 inform3d "kory"....... oh "kory" was b3ond angry, h3 start3d y3lling at "d33", h3 want3d h3r car k3ys, (aft3r "kory" had found oth3r valuabl3s in th3ir suitcas3s) "d33" was drunk by this tim3, and was trying to 3xplain that sh3 had lost th3m. "kory" was obviously not buying this, so h3 found th3m, and wh3n "kory" got into "d33"s car, h3 found vid3o gam3s, cr3dit cards, pap3r work, 3v3n food, (all b3longing to "kory" and "rachal").
so "kory" call3d th3 polic3 (thats right on his moth3r), aft3r hours of th3 polic3 list3ning to "d33" li3, sh3 finally told th3m, that sh3 did tak3 th3 watch, and mail3d it to n3w j3rs3y (not lik3 th3 cow). w3ll th3 polic3 told "d33" that if sh3 didnt hav3 it mail3d back right away, sh3 was going to jail. w3ll about a w33k lat3r, "kory" and "rachal" got th3 watch back. lucky kids. "kory" and "rachal" didnt pr3ss charg3s, ("lisa" would hav3)
so now "d33" is back in n3w j3rs3y (not lik3 th3 cow), and trying lik3 h3ll to g3t "kory" to talk to h3r, but this all happ3n3d l3ss th3n a month ago, so "lisa" thinks mayb3 th3 wounds ar3 still to fr3sh, "rachal" on th3 oth3r hand, says that "d33" can com3 back to main3 any tim3 that "d33" damn w3ll pl3as3s, but "d33" is n3v3r aloud on h3r prop3rty, or anywh3r3 n3ar "rachal" or "andr3w"
so lisa"s advic3 to "d33" is stop st33ling from your childr3n, do you 3v3n car3 what this is doing to "amb3r", if sh3 s33s a 70 y3ar old woman st3lling from h3r own son, what in th3 h3ll is sh3 3v3r going to amount to. is it your mission in lif3 to hav3 "amb3r" b3 wast3, just lik3 h3r moth3r?
"lisa" thinks that for "amb3r" to 3v3n hav3 half a chanc3 in lif3, that "amb3r" should liv3 with h3r "william", of coars3, "lisa" would hav3 to g3t a saf3ty a d3posit box, and an alarm syst3m, and probably a s3curity guard....(lmao)
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