Friday, August 6, 2010

im sitting h3r3 thinking, what i could writ3 about, that ISNT going to aff3nd som3on3, or mak3 th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) think that my, THATS RIGHT MY, blogs hav3 anything to do with th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots). do th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) r3ally think that th3 world (3ssp3cially min3) r3volv3s around th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots)?

what if i d3cid3d to writ3 about, l3ts say puppi3s? would that also b3 about th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots)? would th3r3 b3 a hidd3n m3ssag3 th3r3? that i was trying to call th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) f3mal3 dogs (bitch3s)? th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) would probably think so.

so what if i d3cid3d to writ3 about l3ftov3rs? would th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) think i want3d to put th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) in a plastic contain3r in my fridg3?

ok, so what if i chos3 to writ3 about p3rsonal hygi3n3? what could that possibly hav3 to do with th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots), could it m3an that i could sm3ll th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) from way down h3r3 in TN. thats probably what th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) would think that i was implying.

what if i d3cid3d to writ3 about 3ducation, would th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) think that i was implying that th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur idiots) didnt hav3 n3ar 3nough?

and so on and so on, th3y (th3 th3m i was r3f3ring to) (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots) ar3 going to tak3 what3v3r i writ3 and mak3 it about th3m (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots)

so i gu3ss this on3s for YOU and you know who you ar3............. (r3ally ins3cur3 idiots)

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