wow, i dont f33l v3ry good today......littl3 to much of a good thing last night........s3lf indus3d yukki3s........
dont g3t m3 3xtr3m3ly grat3ful, that dian3, and paul ar3 out of my lif3......but damn, it do3snt giv3 m3 alot to writ3 about.
sooo............what to talk about?........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm........l3ts s33,... w3ll, th3r3s always my husband, or my kids, or my family...... but i got nothing on th3m (right now) h3h3h3
i gu3ss that l3av3s M3!!!!! yay......i was ALWAYS my favorit3 subj3ct to talk about. :)
sinc3 you ar3 not h3r3 to ask m3 ALL th3 good qu3stions.........i will hav3 to try and figur3 out just what it is, that you WANT to know. first off, y3s i lov3 s3x........i talk about it all th3 tim3, and do it as oft3n as your av3rag3 horn3y t33nag3r. i hav3 b33n this way sinc3 as far back as i can r3m3mb3r...........and Y3S, it got m3 in troubl3 many many tim3s....... my third husband said "th3r3s got to b3 som3thing wrong with you!!! nobody is THAT horn3y THAT oft3n". im not sur3 if th3r3s som3thing wrong with m3 or not, mayb3 th3r3s som3thing wrong with th3 p3opl3 who dont want s3x 24/7......... thats pr3tty doubtful........ but mayb3.
s3condly, i lik3 to drink (and im r3ally good at it) i hav3 b33n on th3 wagon a f3w tim3s, i r3ally didnt mind it up th3r3, m33t som3 nic3 p3opl3, but th3n i would g3t to missin all th3 p33ps down on th3 i would jump off, just to hang out for th3 w33k 3nd. th3n com3 monday, right back up th3r3 with th3 nic3 p3opl3...........what do3s that say for m3?.......w3ll....... i gu3ss it says "nic3 p3opl3 ar3 gr3at, monday thru thursday.............BUT p33ps ar3 aw3som3 firday thru sunday".
thirdly, i smok3 (just ciggs.) alot, 2 packs a day, mor3 if im drinking. i hav3 tri3d g3tting up on that wagon, but damn, th3m non-smok3rs hav3 got that wagon way up off th3 ground, but 3v3ry onc3 in a whil3, i will giv3 it a shot. i will k33p you post3d on th3 out com3 (dont 3xp3ct to much)
fourthly, i just ador3 my jok3,........ all though som3 p3opl3 s33 humor in this. i lov3 to look in th3 mirror, and pictur3s, 3v3n a window or toast3r.......th3r3s som3thing about th3 way i look, that r3ally do3s it for m3... :), always has, and h3r3s to hoping it always do3s. so if any of you p3opl3 out th3r3 know boobi3, now you know wh3r3 sh3 got it from :)
fifthly, i sw3ar (lik3 a sailor) 3sp3cially if you piss m3 off.......... i try not to do this in front off kids, or churchy p3opl3.............but, i am L3ST3R............ so that is also a work in progr3ss.
w3ll, th3r3 you go "l3st3r up clos3 and p3rsonal" .............hop3 that h3lpp3d som3 of you to g3t to no m3 b3tt3r. hop3 it didnt scar3 too many of you off........
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
h3ll-o, th3 last coupl3 of days som3 things hav3 happ3n3d............. som3 R3ALLY GOOD, and som3 not at all to my liking.
non3 of whats happ3n3d has anything to do with dian3 (thankfully sh3s quit3ly dropp3d of th3 plan3t)
th3 R3ALLY GOOD stuff i cant talk about..............y3t (mayb3 down th3 road a ways)
th3 not to my liking stuff i wont talk about..............y3t, (sam3 as abov3)
SOOOOOOO, i know what your thinking............why 3v3n say anything? right? i dont know, mayb3 caus3 i want to t3ll you, i just dont think i dar3 to........anyway, w3 w3nt to church last Sunday, i know, right, but w3 did. th3n on th3 way hom3 w3 stopp3d and got a 12 pack........ baby st3ps i gu3ss. if w3 can b3hav3 ours3lv3s on this holiday w33k-3nd, w3 will b3 going back this Sunday. y3s, w3 probably will stop off at th3 stor3 again.
you guys dont com3 h3r3 for that crap............
r3c3ntlly som3on3 told m3 a story about twosums (sp). i gu3ss my qu3stion is WHY?? not why to th3 story, but why to th3 stupid us3 of th3 word. th3 p3rson that wrot3 this mayb3 do3snt know that ov3r half th3 population do3s this? is s3x a dirty word in th3r3 hous3? but twosum is 3xc3ptabl3, i cant pictur3 mys3lf (until right now) saying "h3y walt, wanna go hav3 a twosum" i am not 3v3n sur3 what his answ3r would b3 (ok, i know what his answ3r would b3) BUT, what would h3 b3 thinking? som3thing along th3 lin3s of "is sh3 drinking alr3ady?" or "has sh3 b33n watching porn without m3...AGAIN", or "WOW i wond3r if sh3 m3nt to say thr33sum?"
mayb3 th3 p3rson that wrot3 this, just got a brand n3w th3saurus and thought it sound3d b3tt3r th3n s3x? w3ll, i think using twosum inst3ad of s3x is a half-witt3d, r3tart3d, idiotic, imb3cilic, and STUPID (that was m3 using a th3saurus)
not r3ally a point to any thing i just wrot3............but, at l3ast now i am horny :)
non3 of whats happ3n3d has anything to do with dian3 (thankfully sh3s quit3ly dropp3d of th3 plan3t)
th3 R3ALLY GOOD stuff i cant talk about..............y3t (mayb3 down th3 road a ways)
th3 not to my liking stuff i wont talk about..............y3t, (sam3 as abov3)
SOOOOOOO, i know what your thinking............why 3v3n say anything? right? i dont know, mayb3 caus3 i want to t3ll you, i just dont think i dar3 to........anyway, w3 w3nt to church last Sunday, i know, right, but w3 did. th3n on th3 way hom3 w3 stopp3d and got a 12 pack........ baby st3ps i gu3ss. if w3 can b3hav3 ours3lv3s on this holiday w33k-3nd, w3 will b3 going back this Sunday. y3s, w3 probably will stop off at th3 stor3 again.
you guys dont com3 h3r3 for that crap............
r3c3ntlly som3on3 told m3 a story about twosums (sp). i gu3ss my qu3stion is WHY?? not why to th3 story, but why to th3 stupid us3 of th3 word. th3 p3rson that wrot3 this mayb3 do3snt know that ov3r half th3 population do3s this? is s3x a dirty word in th3r3 hous3? but twosum is 3xc3ptabl3, i cant pictur3 mys3lf (until right now) saying "h3y walt, wanna go hav3 a twosum" i am not 3v3n sur3 what his answ3r would b3 (ok, i know what his answ3r would b3) BUT, what would h3 b3 thinking? som3thing along th3 lin3s of "is sh3 drinking alr3ady?" or "has sh3 b33n watching porn without m3...AGAIN", or "WOW i wond3r if sh3 m3nt to say thr33sum?"
mayb3 th3 p3rson that wrot3 this, just got a brand n3w th3saurus and thought it sound3d b3tt3r th3n s3x? w3ll, i think using twosum inst3ad of s3x is a half-witt3d, r3tart3d, idiotic, imb3cilic, and STUPID (that was m3 using a th3saurus)
not r3ally a point to any thing i just wrot3............but, at l3ast now i am horny :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
f33l fr33 to comm3nt
w3ll, h3r3 i am again!!!! i r3ally dont 3v3n no wh3r3 to start (i no you ar3 all thinking th3 b3gining would b3 a good plac3), but this chapt3r of my lif3 is WAY to long for that....... so im going to start at th3 3nd.
if you hav3 b33n r3ading my blogs (which of coars3 you hav3, or you wouldnt b3 h3r3), th3n i n33d to t3ll you som3thing that you alr3ady know.......... "lisa" is M3, i know, right, big shock3r.....i am sur3 that this is quit3 alot for you to tak3 in ALL at onc3, but its tru3.
obviously using (" ")s has mad3 som3 p3opl3 ups3t (i can only assum3 that th3y n33d th3ir 15 mins. of fam3)......
i will stand b3hind what i hav3 writt3n......dian3 formally known as "d33" has b33n nothing but a pain in my ass sinc3 day 1, and until i d3cid3 3xactly how to handl3 h3r, im sur3 sh3 will continu3 to b3
i will also stand b3hind what i hav3 said about paul formally known as "phil", h3 has brought nothing good into my daught3rs (r3b3cca and r3n33') formally known as "rach3al" and "raqu3l"s lif3, h3 is th3 poor3st 3xampl3 of mankind that i can think of.
i gu3ss this will mak3 things 3asi3r......for ALL of us, knowing 3xactlly who is who, but and i n33d to mak3 this p3rf3ctlly cl3ar.......... THIS IS, AND WILL ALWAYS B3 MY for ALL you snot nos3 pi3c3 of shit, th3iving, lying, low lif3,scum suck3rs, if you dont lik3 my blog.......... STOP R3ADING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
but th3 r3st of you normals can continu3 to 3njoy my thoughts, and f33l fr33 to comm3nt.. :)
if you hav3 b33n r3ading my blogs (which of coars3 you hav3, or you wouldnt b3 h3r3), th3n i n33d to t3ll you som3thing that you alr3ady know.......... "lisa" is M3, i know, right, big shock3r.....i am sur3 that this is quit3 alot for you to tak3 in ALL at onc3, but its tru3.
obviously using (" ")s has mad3 som3 p3opl3 ups3t (i can only assum3 that th3y n33d th3ir 15 mins. of fam3)......
i will stand b3hind what i hav3 writt3n......dian3 formally known as "d33" has b33n nothing but a pain in my ass sinc3 day 1, and until i d3cid3 3xactly how to handl3 h3r, im sur3 sh3 will continu3 to b3
i will also stand b3hind what i hav3 said about paul formally known as "phil", h3 has brought nothing good into my daught3rs (r3b3cca and r3n33') formally known as "rach3al" and "raqu3l"s lif3, h3 is th3 poor3st 3xampl3 of mankind that i can think of.
i gu3ss this will mak3 things 3asi3r......for ALL of us, knowing 3xactlly who is who, but and i n33d to mak3 this p3rf3ctlly cl3ar.......... THIS IS, AND WILL ALWAYS B3 MY for ALL you snot nos3 pi3c3 of shit, th3iving, lying, low lif3,scum suck3rs, if you dont lik3 my blog.......... STOP R3ADING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
but th3 r3st of you normals can continu3 to 3njoy my thoughts, and f33l fr33 to comm3nt.. :)
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