Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i n3v3r lov3d my rock... b3for3 today

AGAIN woman, my GOD, all you ar3 is whin3 whin3 whin3, blah blah blah....i think i sp3ak for most of us...... SHUT TH3 F UP.......... all you do is complain, boo hoo your kids, boohoo, your p3ts, boohoo, your f-ing lif3, W3LL..w3lcom3 to 3arth and lif3 and dumb ass LIF3
SUCKS, IF ALL YOU DO IS INHAL3.......... try br3athing out for onc3 you moron3....

you ar3 tru3ly th3 first p3rson that i hav3 m33t (w/ your 3ducation) and your ag3......... that is dumb3r th3n that f-ing rock in my front yard.....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

wow......its b33n awil3,right.....w3ll now i m gonna talk about p3opl3 who ALWAYS s33 th3 down sid3 of lif3.

if you hav3 b33n divorc3d, that sucks............try b3ing m3........iv3 don3 it thr33 got nothing on m3

do you hav3 a sick dog?........w3ll i hav3 had on3 g3t run ov3r

do you hav3 a sick kid?........... min3s had 3ar inf3ctions sinc3 sh3 was born

do you hav3 l3ftov3rs g3tting moldy in th3 fridg3? m3 too


w3 g3t it lif3 sucks..............if you chos3 to look at it that way


and not you, caus3 you s33 th3 glass half 3mpty

but for us norms, w3 s33 it half full

our dog might b3 sick, but w3 could say.............sh3 f3tch3s a nic3 bon3

our kid might b3 sick, but w3 could say............. sh3s g3tting b3tt3r"

ok my point............pl3as3 shut th3 H3ll up.......w3 and i m3an m3...hav3 had 3nough